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Author Profile

Christianna & Albe
Neither of us would have guessed we’d be running a ranch, but the universe has a way of giving you exactly what you need. Ranch life is demanding, but it’s our creative playground.

As yogis and meditators, we strive to emit balanced and loving energy. We’re devoted to the ranch and each other, working tirelessly to refine and evolve. Our heart and soul go into cultivating space for ease and joy.

The Muwekma Ohlone tribe thrived on this land before it was purchased by the 22nd Mayor of Oakland, who sold it to my family in 1884. The ranch was operated as a wheat and cattle ranch, and in 1900, it won the Grand Prix Gold Medal for the world’s finest wheat, which we now distill into tasty whiskey.

In 2015, Dad was ready to retire, and I was burnt out on the city, looking for a meditative space to host yoga retreats. So, I took the leap and met Albe two months later. How serendipitous! Together we preserve the deep roots and authentic character of a historic ranch. Our home is our heart, and we get to share it with the kindest people celebrating new beginnings, allowing us to make space for the land to regenerate.
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